Since I’ve had prior experience working with JavaScript, I haven’t really learned anything new about JavaScript from this module. I did a similar type of online tutorial that taught me all of the basics of JavaScript. I believe JavaScript is a great language to use for software development because of its versatility. It has many applications and I feel that it’s a lot easier to pick up than C/C++. That being said, there are quite a few similarities between JavaScript and C/C++ which makes it easy to learn for people who have experience with C/C++.
In my opinion, I do like this type of learning. It offers a different approach to learning that I haven’t experienced before. The weekly exercises will provide consistent practice with JavaScript and other software engineering principles. The practice exercises do a good job preparing me for the weekly ones by giving me a taste of what type of problem I’ll need to solve and the JavaScript tools I’ll use to solve it. I’m confident that I’ll continue to find the weekly exercises enjoyable and interesting throughout the semester and it will definitely work for me.
Overall, I like JavaScript as a programming language. It is the first language I’ve learned that is widely used to do top-level programming and web development in particular. Ever since I first started to use JavaScript, I knew it would be a language that I’d appreciate. With JavaScript, I can actually see my code in action on a webpage, whereas in C/C++, I provide input on a terminal window and my program does data analytics in the background to produce output. This is one of my favorite things about front-end web development and JavaScript lets me accomplish it with ease.